We make killer videos that boost your online authority

Our world-class team help you make killer videos that turn you into an industry-trusted voice and achieve your business goals, faster.
Get Started

Creating video content for businesses all over the world

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoOE logo2020INC logo

Here's how it works

Our proven process.
Book A Call
Animated puzzle piece moving in and out of place

Step 1

Research & Strategy

It all starts with research and strategy. We conduct in-depth research into your industry and find out what’s worked and what hasn’t in the past. It can be difficult to know where to start when creating video content - but not anymore! No more stabbing wildly in the dark!
Animated pen writing on a piece of paper

Step 2

Topics & Scripting

It can take ages to generate ideas and research them. We are a video content idea generation machine with top-notch script writers to make sure your videos cut through the noise on social media. We create video topics, scripts and hooks tailored to you and your business.
An animated video clapper board snapping down and coming back up again

Step 3

Video Production

It’s important to have great-quality video content if you’re serious about how you and your business are perceived online. We meet you in person once every 4 weeks and record all your videos for the next month. Studio space and all necessary equipment are provided for you. All you need to do is turn up.
A reel of film scrolling down with an animated play and pause button

Step 4

Video Editing

It can take 6+ hours to edit a video (even more if you don't know what you're doing). Sometimes it takes entire days if you want to get fancy with it. We've built a world-class team of editors that do it all for you. No need to take that course on video editing!
Animated bar chart with the bars moving up and down slightly in a wave motion.

Step 5

Analysis & Optimisaiton

Once your videos are published, we then analyse what performs well and what sticks and bring it all together. This information then feeds back into step 1 of the process for the next month's video content.

Podcasts, YouTube, TikToks & more.

From start to finish. We take care of it all.
Video Podcasts
Instagram Reels
YouTube Videos
TikTok Videos
LinkedIn Videos
YouTube Shorts
Social Media Ads
Podcasts to Short-Form
Product Demos/Explainers
A yellow circleA pink circleAbstract art with a yellow line and a baby blue semi-circle

Why work with us?

Some of the reasons why working with us to create video content just makes sense.
A yellow star and black arrow abstract artA baby blue sem-circle
A dollar sign with arrows circling around it

No surprise costs

No unexpected charges. Predictable pricing and exceptional content.
An icon of a group of three people with one wearing a tie

No managing freelancers

Wave goodbye to freelancer chaos and dive into working with a trusted team.
A icon of a brain with lightning bolts coming off of it

No stress

Step into a world of calm - we handle all the complexities of video content production.
A icon of a video camera

No equipment costs

Welcome to cost-effective creativity - we provide all the cutting-edge equipment needed.
A grey sofa with a room divider lit up blue and a lamp with a purple bulb on in the background

It makes no difference if you have 0 or 500,000+ followers.

We help you achieve your goals, faster. Regardless if you've never posted a video before or you're a seasoned video creator.
A black check mark
Personal branded content reinforcing your strategy
A black check mark
Increased awareness - positioning you as an authority
A black check mark
Personal network and endorsement growth

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our clients about their experiences and results.
A yellow speech mark.Peach coloured speech marks
Abstract art lines with half a yellow line and a quarter of a blue circleA purple sunshine and a red semi-circle

Latest Videos

All killer, no filler videos.

Get started with Red Dot Media

Book a 30-minute call to learn more about how Red Dot Media works
and how we can help your business.

A black icon of a person on computer screen on a video call.


A red squiggly line
How do I know what to talk about on camera?
Will you film our videos for us?
I've already got a short-form editor. What’s the difference?
Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time video content team?
Do you only create short-form videos?
Why do you only offer package plans and not individual edits?
What if I'm not happy with my videos?
Can you tell me more about your studio space?
Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?